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oh my peak


also if you dont know what peak is, peak means good ok





I know it's not that good. You don't have to pretend to be amazed.


No, I'm actually being serious. I love DINNA STRIKES BACK and think it's a very epic game.


Btw 99% of the content updates are on my yt channel so if you want more cool stuff go there.


ok cool


sad it's cancelled, but still great demo to re-experience with freinds and familly.


Only the full game edition is cancelled. There is going to be an update to the current demo and I'm making a DINNA STRIKES BACK mod for another pt beta build so its only the full game version that's canned.




DINNA TIME!!!!!!1111

It is always DINNA TIME!


truly epic


Is the demo broken because there is a fatal code error

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shd_pal_swapper

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_pal_swap_set


stack frame is

gml_Script_pal_swap_set (line -1)


What did you do to get that because I've never seen it.


I just downloaded unzipped and opened Pizza_Tower

My only advice to fix it is to delete the files and download them again. Don't remove anything from the folder (except the shortcut and stuff that obviously isn't part of the game itself). So keep the executable, data file, and music files in the folder together. 


Still doesn't work, can you fix the bug though?

It doesn't happen for me so I can't do anything about it. Probably an issue regarding the build I modded.


i am so Exited for the New Dinnery Demo. oh boye i just cant wait to Consume and Eat my foods..........


When this mod releases i will male a video showing all the ranks


I love maleing videos.


I meant to Say post but my autocorrect changed it to male